CNP Roadshow April 21st 【Is CNP properly prepared now?】



Trading volume32ETHWorld Rank53rd
FP0.9589ETHNumber of listings146
Number of holders5454List rate0.7%

It’s hard to talk about floor prices when market conditions are bad, but we don’t run away and talk about FP every day
FP is not in CNP’s target index.
We value liquidity in terms of ease of selling and buying.
We look at the number of transactions, total volume, and whether the owners are decentralizing.

FPs are looking to promote various activities, and as a result, if the number of people who want to be involved in CNP and the awareness of CNP increases, it will go up.

However, there are people who have expectations for CNP and have already bought our products.
We want to maintain FP properly for those people.
We want to be a collection where people can join CNP and sell with no worries.
That’s why we’ve been talking about FP and other numbers every day since we started this space.

0.7% list rate at OpenSea now.
At first, our list rate was 15%.
At first we had 900 people get CNP, and we’ve gone through 20,000 transactions to get to where we are now
The highest number of transactions as a general collection in the country.
Over time, the people who have held it for a long time have stayed with us.

Some people buy CNP at 0.001 ETH and sell it when it reaches 0.01, some sell it when it reaches 0.1
Some sell when it reaches 1 ETH
As FP gradually rises, people are choosing what price they will sell their CNP at, and those who did not sell and those who bought as the price rose are the ones who remain.

That is how CNP is made.

Holders who hold CNP for a long period of time are valued, and other projects believe in them and prepare ALs for them.

Number of holders is 5454.
It is difficult to increase the number of holders.
We would like to consider various ways to do that as well.

Is CNP properly prepared now?

We think it would be good to share a sense of what kind of state we need to prepare for, looking at the NFT and WEB3 areas now over a span of years.
A year passes quickly while we are already moving right and left with the daily changes.
In such a situation, there’s not much left in your hand.

Therefore, it is important to have a clear image of the situation that needs to be in place in six months or a year from now, and to proceed with measures and other actions while keeping this in mind.

On the other hand, there are various things that need to be done now.
We don’t have an image of stopping our own movement because the market is in winter.

It’s been nine months since CNP founder, road san started our daily space.

He doesn’t miss a day, he starts the space at 6:00 p.m. and does an hour of AMA
It’s important to fix this time.
He was saying that he’d like to continue for a full year, and then he’ll see how he goes from there.

NFT is seen as suspicious.

Nine months ago, there were so many projects that it was hard to know who to trust and by what standards.
CNP is a product that everyone has worked together to create something wonderful.
So he thought about what he could do as a founder, and decided to take action to build up trust, and started this Twitter space.
By continuing to do this, people know that the founder is committed to the project, and it’s easier to explain.
We think we’re building up trust in that respect.

CNP started last May.
Since then, we have been working on various projects with an awareness of what kind of situation we want to create.
When we released CNP in May, there were already several projects that were ahead of us.

We had to make sure that CNP would not be buried among them.
It was important that CNP not become one of many projects.
We tried to make CNP different from other projects.

To do this, we put in place two or three measures to be able to issue a press release immediately after the release.

May 15th 2022 CNP was sold out and a press release was issued
June 4th 2022 A portion of the proceeds from the NFT Charity was donated to the “AIM Institute of Medicine” through the Jiji Press Publishing House.
June 18th 2022 Following Narukami, Orochi, Lily, and Mitama, new characters have been announced.
July 23rd 2022 NFT project “CryptoNinja Partners” releases “CNP Friends”, a smartphone app with NFT wallet integration, in August 2022.

Because after a release, the project usually loses excitement.
So, before we even knew if we could sell the product properly, we made a plan to take this measure after this and this after that to make it stand out from other projects.

We released in May, and various projects released in June and July.
CNP tried to create a situation where when people talk about the NFT, there are people who say, “When it comes to domestic generative collections, CNP is the one to talk about”.
In order to do so, we thought it was necessary to make our presence known in some kind of common index.

Common indicators for NFT projects in Japan include the NFT Ranking and the NFT Market Cat indicator.
We thought it was important for CNP to stay at the top of these rankings.

NFTs are likely to be at the top of the rankings immediately after launch because of the high volume of transactions that occur immediately after launch.
We tried to create a situation where CNP is always at the top, even when it is not right after the release of the product.
If we could create such a situation, CNP’s name would come up when talking about NFTs in Japan.

Once that happens, we will be able to create a good connection with companies.
When companies try to enter NFT and WEB3, the hurdles are very high.
And it is also difficult to decide which NFT collection to work with.

In such a case, it is strong if you can explain that CNP is a project like this.
For example, CNP is one of the BEST 3 in terms of total amount of transactions, and has the highest total number of transactions in Japan.
It is easy for companies to trust us.
If you create a situation where the person in charge of the project can easily explain the project within the company, it will be easier for the company to proceed with the project.

CNP is busiest right now.
We hear that the market is in winter, but that’s just the market, so it’s important for the project to do what it needs to do no matter what.
When the market is bad, nothing may or may not be appreciated.
But on the other hand, when the market is good, it may be valued more than that.

CNP has many measures in place that are not directly related to the market.
We should be ready with a solid axis of initiatives that are not affected by the market, and we should watch the market and devise the allocation of resources as we go along.

From the side of the NFT project, if the objective is NFT itself, we have to ride the wave of the market well, but if the objective is to achieve something using NFT, it is important to prepare measures that can be done outside of NFT and proceed while changing the distribution of resources in accordance with the market conditions.
It is important to have that situation in place before we get to the point where people are now saying “NFT is in winter”.

In this context, the big measure that CNP is now promoting is the stamp measure on LINE
This is a big measure that will determine whether or not CNP will take a big step up after this.
LINE is used by 70% of the Japanese population.
Stamps are very popular and not just any company can produce them.
Among them, CNP is the only company that can launch an NFT with stamps on such a large scale as this CNP measure.
This is an opportunity to make a big leap forward from the framework of NFT.

That’s what we are aiming for.
It’s fun to take on various challenges like this.
We think there’s a lot to be gained from completing these challenges.
We hope we can raise the stage with every challenge we take on.

