Radio 06:12
Trading Volume | 8ETH | World rank | 120 |
FP | 1.1ETH | Number of listings | 130 |
Contract migration will take place on April 29th.
On April 26th, all current CNP images will be replaced by one and the same image.
The current CNP image will be replaced by a new image informing that the current CNP will become worthless after the contract migration.
On April 29th, CNP holders will receive their new CNP by airdrop.
Mr. Koike reported that he used the illustration of Sozaiya-CNP in his work.
Please use Sozaiya-CNP as much as you can!
The more people like this, the more people will see CNP characters and think they have seen them before.
The character of CNP is spreading more and more in places unrelated to NFT.
We ordered illustrations from creators Hiroyuki and Kiko, and had about 200 cute illustrations made.
What we want to do is to have many people use these illustrations, and we hope that CNP will appear in the daily lives of many people.
We will increase the number of illustrations that can be used in various situations.
To increase the number of people who use them.
How to increase the number of illustrations is still a question that we are struggling with right now.
One way is to order more illustrations from Hiroyuki and Kiko.
We would like to explore other ways.
For example, some people may feel that it is too hard to enter a contest as an art form.
But with illustrations, we feel that people can participate with a little more ease.
We feel that it is necessary to give back to the creators in some way, rather than saying, “We’ll publish your illustrations, but you have to provide them for free.
Draw an illustration, submit it, and if it is accepted, it will be posted on the site.
Some creators may become popular.
Then there will be a place to draw pictures as a job.
Another theme of our project is the possibility of having AI draw pictures.
What are the materials?
For example, if we say, ‘I want a picture of a Mitama sliding down a slide,’ we would like to explore the possibility that the picture will be created and completed.
At first, we will have AI create the picture, and when a good picture is created, we will put it on Sozaiya-CNP.
The issue of rights is also important, so we need to study that part as well.
We believe that AI technology will be more advanced in less than a year.
There is an initiative called FurusatoCNP, where tax payments are made through CNP.
For example, Tottori City in Tottori Prefecture is one of the prefectures that has already done this. It might be a good idea. to prepare illustrations based on the theme of Tottori’s famous sand dunes and ask local governments to use them.
It might be a good idea to ask TSUTAYA, which recently announced a basic agreement with CNP, to use CNP’s illustrations for pop-up illustrations inside its stores.
It might be a good idea to target groups in the future, although individuals are spontaneously using them at school events and companies.
Although there is a rule that illustrations cannot be used as icons, Sozaiya-CNP’s illustrations are free of charge and do not require any credit.
We would be happy if you could actively use our illustrations whenever you have the opportunity!