CNP Friends, smartphone app!

CNP is promoting many measures, and one of them is the smartphone app CNP Friends!

CNP Friends lets you communicate with other CNP holders and earn points for walking.
We do not know how the points will be used yet.

Once all bugs and problems are fixed, we will officially release it.
So points you get until then will be reset zero.

You can only download the app from CNP holders channel in NinjaDAO, so please talk to us there if you are interested in!

Let’s post sentence like twitter!

Click the button in the right corner.

It means “What are you doing?” in Japanese.
You can type here what you want to write.

I wrote “I’m cooking dinner!”
I was grilling and cooking chicken!

After you finish writing, you can click the button in the top of right corner and post it!

Now you can see you successfully posted it!
Also you can see people who saw your post.

Let’s ask the questions!

You can submit questions!
People can answer your questions.

Of course you can post in English!

Click the button in the right corner.

Click on the second mark from the right.

You can write the question which you want to ask people!

I wrote “What’s your favorite drink?”:))

Click submit button!

You also answer the question which you made.

Of course Coffee!:))

Submit your answer too!

Now I posted my question and also I can see my answer!

You need to answer the question if you want to see other member’s answer.
It might be difficult for you since most questions are in Japanese, but I think it’s going to be more comfortable for non-Japanese speakers too!

Sometimes you can see other CNP holders answer your question!
It’s fun to see the various answers!:)

Let’s try to communicate!

It’s very fun to communicate with other CNP holders!
Even though there is a language barrier sometimes, we don’t need to afraid too much!
Because we are same CNP holders!:))

