Radio 05:00
CNP Friends Update
CNP Friends app has been updated.
Metamask login failed to log in for about a month.
It took about a month because the specifications used for the meta-mask login had changed and the entire CNP Friends application had to be upgraded to accommodate the new specifications.
Because of this, I could not log in from my cell phone and could only log in from my PC.

There is always a risk when using external services.
It’s easy to use your own services and control everything, but you need to connect a wallet to get information, or get the number of steps taken from the Android or iOS part of the system and combine them together.
CNP Friends is made up of a large number of risk factors.
Some of the information can be presented openly, but some cannot, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.
CNP holders are saving me.
If the perfection of the web service is 100, we can manage to get up to 80.
It takes a lot of power to build up the remaining 20.
To create a faultless service, we have to finish up to 100 before we can release it.
It takes a lot of time to do that.
If we had done it that way, CNP Friends would not have been released yet.
But CNP’s holders are keeping the speed there.
Because they are willing to release the service at up to 80%.
They are willing to release at 80% and allow us to develop the product as a project.
The cost and speed will change depending on the customer.
By having our friends in the project use the software, we have been able to focus on speed with a degree of forgiveness.
This way of proceeding is very unusual for a project.
We don’t have a system in place to be able to respond all the time.
We don’t have a lot of money, so we are using it to move forward with measures as we go.
This way of proceeding is made possible by the cooperation and acceptance of everyone.

Invoice Payment
It is necessary to create an environment where companies can become owners of CNP.
CNP can be purchased by invoice payment.
That means we can now purchase CNP as a company.
Is this really the right thing to do?
We’ve hired lawyers to check it out pretty carefully.
We give them a quote close to CNP’s floor price, and if that’s okay with them, they transfer the money to us at that amount, and we finish the work.
Then we issue a delivery note and that’s it.
Sometimes it’s really hard to handle within a company.
If you think about it from an accounting standpoint, it’s not an expense.
CNP has a lock function.
The company is not trying to make money by selling it, so they don’t want to resell it.
But it would be nice if we could treat this NFT as an expense for market research purposes and make it easier for companies to use NFT.
We are working on making it possible to pay invoices first, so if companies are interested, please take a look at CNP.
CNP is a project that allows companies to participate in this project by having NFTs.
Not only individuals can have this NFT, and not only in one place.
We think that if we can get not only one person but also a company involved with CNP in various countries, we can expand the possibilities.